1. Films made anywhere in the world are eligible to be submitted for consideration in one of the categories listed > view Categories
2. If the Film’s final running time is more than 2 minutes and less than 30 minutes including credits if any, the Film may only be submitted as a Short film. Even if the Film has been submitted as a Feature film, it will be included for consideration only in the Short category.
3. If the Film’s final running time is more than 60 minutes and less than 90 minutes including credits if any, the Film may only be submitted as a Feature film. Even if the Film has been submitted as a Short film, it will be included for consideration only in the Feature category.
4. The Festival does not require première status for submissions.
5. The Film may have been previously screened in its entirety at a theatrical exhibition anywhere in the world, in which tickets were available to the public.
6. The Film may have been previously released on DVD or broadcast on television or the Internet anywhere in the world.
7. It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to secure clearance from the copyright holders of any copyrighted materials included within the submitted Film. The Organizers will not be held responsible for the unauthorized inclusion of any copyrighted materials within or relating to the submitted Film. The Organizers reserve the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant, any Film with any unauthorized inclusion of any copyrighted materials.
8. Applicants submitting Films that contain significant non-English spoken dialogue must provide on-screen English subtitles. The Organizers reserve the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from the Applicant, any Film that contains significant non-English spoken dialogue that does not include accompanying on screen English subtitles.
9. If your submission is accepted we may require a hard copy for screening purposes. All Films must be on a single DVD Disc (single or dual layer) or Blu-ray if required. We also accept file transfer via Wetransfer or similar service. DVD’S and Blu-rays WILL NOT BE RETURNED. > view DVD Best Practices
10. The Organizers reserve the right to disqualify, without refund of any or all submission fees previously collected from Applicant, any Film that is not submitted on one of the recommended standard formats.
11. Your submission must have been completed after January 2015