DVD Best Practicesrcase342016-09-19T13:25:25+01:00
- No sticky labels – Sticky labels can wreak havoc on DVD players which will lead to the rejection of your project.
- No complicated menus – Please be straightforward. Festival Judges and programmers are watching batches of films at a time. They shouldn’t have to struggle to find your ‘Main Feature’ or have to wade through a complicated DVD menu video. In most cases autoplay is preferred.
- No looping – When the video or film is finished it should stop. Please double check that looping is disabled in the burning software.
- Test the DVD on multiple players – Play the DVD in your computer DVD player, a commercial DVD player, etc.. Although most players can now read all DVD types it’s important to check on multiple systems before sending it off.
- Check aspect ratios – It is likely that your project was shot in wide screen so please make sure that the DVD program that you are using for burning is set to the correct aspect ratio.
- Compression – Maximise the quality. Poor compression and encoding will immediately lead to the project being rejected.